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Woodside-Portola Valley Fire Protection Foundation 2024 Appeal

Annual Appeal 2023

Support Your Community

Donate Today

Dear Fellow Member of the Woodside-Portola Valley Fire Protection District,

We are delighted to report that thanks to your generous contributions to our Fire District, our community is in good
hands as Woodside Fire prepares to celebrate its 100th anniversary in 2025.
Thank you for your encouragement during this transformational time for our Fire District! Your generous support means
the world to our community, ensuring the availability of life-saving equipment and facilities that are essential for our
first responders to provide the wide range and high quality of emergency services our community needs to thrive.
In 2023, residents from each of our primary service areas -– Emerald Hills, Ladera, Los Trancos, Portola Valley, Skyline,
Vista Verde, and Woodside -- collectively contributed funds totaling over $400,000. We’re so grateful for the ongoing
support from every corner of our community. Please join us in honoring the funders listed on the enclosed donor roll.
Please consider increasing your support this year to help us reach our goal of $450,000.
You may make your gift in whichever way you choose:
Donate Today!
 Mail a check made out to Woodside-Portola Valley Fire Protection Foundation using the envelope provided
 Use the QR Code at the right to donate online
 Take advantage of your employer’s matching gift program to enhance your gift.
 Make a gift of securities; email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to request a Stock Transfer form
 Designate Woodside-Portola Valley Fire Protection Foundation as a primary or partial beneficiary of your IRA. This is
a highly effective way to benefit the foundation while reducing both income and estate taxes.
Schedule a meeting and/or site tour with a leader from the Fire District and Foundation Board (for gifts of $100,000 and
up); email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
With thanks for your consideration,
Board of Directors
Woodside-Portola Valley Fire Protection Foundation

Celebrating 100 Years of Service

Look for news of the big 100th anniversary celebration and grand opening of the new Station 7 on Woodside Road in early 2025!

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Under Construction

Station 7, Woodside, summer 2023


Our website, like our fire stations, is under construction in order to bring you improved content and security for your donations. We'll be back for our 2023 Annual Campaign in the fall. Thank you for your patience and your support! 

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Support Your Community: Donate to the 2019 Annual Campaign

Support Your Community: Donate to the 2019 Annual Campaign

Donate Today!

Dear Friends of the Fire District,

Thank you once again for stepping up to support your local first responders. Collective contributions from you and your neighbors in Woodside, Portola Valley, Emerald Hills, Ladera, Los Trancos, Skyline, and Vista Verde totaled more than $257,000 in 2018, representing an increase of 2.5% over contributions in 2017. As we do at this time each year, we invite you to stand with us in support of our local Fire District through making a generous contribution to our annual campaign.

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Fire District Plans to Build New Station in Woodside

Fire District Plans to Build New Station in Woodside
The Woodside-Portola Valley Fire Protection Foundation is excited to work with the Woodside Fire Protection District on a new headquarters facility that will meet the needs of our community in the decades ahead. To say that the fire district has outgrown the current 65-year-old Station 7 is an understatement.
Built in 1949 and remodeled in 1993, the current construction type does not allow for seismic upgrades. The new station will meet state building codes, OSHA, and National Fire Protection Agency standards.
As our community values its environmental and historic heritage with architectural guidelines that help maintain the rural ambiance, the fire district is naturally taking this into consideration in the appearance and size of the new station. The fire district values its partnership with the community and all of its neighbors.
This project is in the early planning stages. More information will be available from the fire district in the months ahead.
Funding for the new station will come from the fire district capital reserve, a loan, and private fundraising through the foundation. The Woodside-Portola Valley Fire Protection Foundation is grateful for and counts on the continuing generous support of our community residents and business.
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Archived News

Grass fire 'knocked down' near Webb Ranch

September 6, 2013 • Firefighters from San Mateo County and the Menlo Park Fire Protection District have "knocked down" a grass fire at 2720 Alpine Road...(read more).

Firefighters knock down fire near Portola Valley

September 3, 2013 • A small carport with unoccupied living quarters above it at 230 Old Spanish Trail in Los Trancos Woods is now uninhabitable...(read more).

County has 66 firefighters at Yosemite fire

August 26, 2013 • The firefighting crews battling the huge forest fire burning into Yosemite National Park include 66 firefighters from San Mateo County...(read more).

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Double the impact of your gift!

Long-time Portola Valley residents – and avid supporters of the fire district’s CERPP emergency response and preparedness program – Onnolee and Bud Trapp will generously match NEW donor contributions to the fire foundation. To encourage their neighbors in the district to get involved, Onnolee and Bud will match gifts of any size received by December 31, 2014 from first-time donors, dollar for dollar, to a total of $10,000. Donate today and double the impact of your contribution

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2014 Projects Funded With Your Contributions

Funded this year with your contributions:

  • Improved emergency medical services: cardiac monitor/defibrillators to replace outdated units on support trucks, enabling paramedics to provide consistent all-life support (ALS) from all vehicles.
  • New station planning: preliminary analysis for our new headquarters station on Woodside Road.
  • Mobilized community training: a new vehicle and trailer complete with AV system that enables WFPD to bring essential training directly to your neighborhood.
  • Expanded fire prevention: a second chipper to expand the fuel reduction program.
  • Enhanced public education: an expanded smoke alarm program to targeted neighborhoods.
  • Added after-the-incident help: a specialized booklet for residents recovering from natural disaster or medical emergency.
  • Improved firefighter safety: specialized washers for cleaning our firefighters’ protective clothing.
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Woodside • Portola Valley • Emerald Hills • Ladera • Los Trancos • Skyline • Vista Verde

Woodside Fire Protection District

Woodside Fire Protection District Logo

Woodside Fire District operates three fire stations, and serves a population of 25,000 in the communities of Woodside, Portola Valley, Emerald Hills, Ladera, Los Trancos, Skyline, and Vista Verde in San Mateo County, California.  www.WoodsideFire.org

Our Mission

To augment the Woodside Fire Protection District (WFPD) budget for up-to-date equipment, facilities, fire prevention and training. The Fire Foundation, a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization, will enable WFPD to provide the most advanced and efficient form of all-risk emergency response services.

The Foundation

3111 Woodside Road
Woodside, CA 94062

Tel 650.851.1594
Fax 650.851.3960

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© 2014-2022. Woodside-Portola Valley Fire Protection Foundation.  Web design by XMR Fire
